
Buy Telegram Members

Use Followdeh's Telegram Services to increase number of your Telegram Group or Channel Members with your desired amount. with our Telegram Members services, you can add up to 1,000,000 members to your Telegram Channel. For using our Telegram Services your channel/group must be publicly available. Our services for Buy Telegram Members, Buy Real Telegram Members, Buy Telegram Views, Buy Telegram Likes & Reactions is now available for order submission.

Telegram Public Channel Members [Good Quality]

⚡ Instant Delivery

🤝 30 Days Support

Quantity: 100 - 500

Price per 1001.50$

Telegram Online Members

⚡ Instant Delivery

🤝 30 Days Support

Quantity: 250 - 10000

Price per 1001.79$

Telegram Real Members [Server 1]

⚡ Instant Delivery

🤝 30 Days Support

Quantity: 500 - 50000

Price per 1002.00$

Telegram Online Members HQ [90 Days Guarantee]

⚡ Instant Delivery

🤝 30 Days Support

Quantity: 250 - 10000

Price per 1002.79$

Telegram Group Members Transfer (Group-to-Group Members)

⚡ Instant Delivery

🤝 30 Days Support

Quantity: 500 - 1000

Price per 10029.70$

Telegram Members services are done automatically and instantly. You can add your desired member amount 24/7 to any channel or group you want. With drip-feed option, you can slow down the process of delivery and send based on your desired interval.

You can check bot profile type, speed of delivery, and other features before placing your order.

Buy Telegram Real Members

Are you looking for real members for your Telegram Channel? Bot members could be dropped after a while and in their profile you see "Deleted Account" more often. To fix that, you can use our Telegram Real Members service which real paid users will join your Telegram Channel and we make sure they never leave!

Buy Telegram Members

Buy Telegram Views

Telegram Post Views service is one of the popular Followdeh's services. in Followdeh you can both Buy Telegram Post Views and Buy Telegram Story Views. With those services you can increase number of posts or story views as much as you want. Story feature is only available for premium users, so you need to Buy a Telegram Premium account before using this service.

Buy Telegram Likes

If you think your posts have low reactions, You can use our Telegram Likes services to add likes or reaction to your posts as much as you want.

Buy Telegram Premium

Telegram Premium is a new Telegram feature that allows users to access to some exclusive features of Telegram that regular users don't. Since right now there are only small number of people who use Telegram Premium, you can shine after you Buy Telegram Premium.

Delivery ⚡ INSTANT
Type 🧑 Real and Bots
Price 💸 Starts from $0.21
Guarantee 📃 Guaranteed and Non-guaranteed available
Telegram Members